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IPL Skin Treatments 

Intense Pulsed Light or better known as IPL is a skin treatment that uses lasers, intense pulsed light, or photodynamic therapy to treat skin conditions and remove effects of - such as wrinkles, spots, and textures.


The process induces controlled wounds on the skin, prompting it to heal itself by creating new cells.


The same treatment can be used effectively on all areas of the body.


IPL skin rejuvenation treatments can be effectively used to treat:


  • Freckles, sunspots and other hyper-pigmented areas

  • Fine Lines

  • Wrinkles

  • Acne (the light energy destroys bacteria colonising your skin)

  • Sun damage and/or redness

  • Broken capillaries

  • Uneven colouring

  • Stubborn melasma


Results after 1 session


Our IPL skin Treatment includes Radio Frequency for skin tightening and collagen stimulation 

plus LED Light Therapy 

Pre-treatment protocol

  • Before any treatment, Aspire will undertake a full review of your medical health and medication.

  • Avoid sun exposure and sunbeds for 1 month, ensuring SPF 30 minimum is used every day on areas to be treated.

  • Avoid the use of fake tan or gradual tanning creams for 2 weeks.

  • Laser and IPL cannot be applied to an area that has undergone any type of electrical facial/body treatment, chemical peel or microneedling and injectables 2 weeks prior to treatment.

  • Male clients requiring face rejuvenation are required to shave the beard hair to skin level the night before or morning of treatment.


Post-treatment protocol


  • Avoid trauma to the treated area for 4-5 days afterwards, including strenuous activities, saunas, steam and excessively hot baths. Take cool showers to reduce irritation, keep areas moisturised and protected.

  • Avoid perfumed products, deodorant and skin/body care. 100% mineral make up may be applied (except with fractional laser).

  • Please do not use a sunbed or sunbathe at any time when receiving laser or IPL treatments as a tan on your skin may prevent you from receiving your next treatment. Skin should be protected using SPF 30 minimum to the area between treatments.

  • Skin may appear red and slightly sensitised after treatment. Keep the area cool and apply a soothing cream such as Lynton Light Soothe Serum.


1 session       3 sessions       6 sessions

Full Face                     £79               £199                £379

including Neck & Decollate  (60min)                                                    



Hands (15min)             £49                £125               £225

Age spots (15min)        £49               £125               £225

Vascular  (15min)          £49               £125               £225

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